Hanne: 0494/41.99.08 Emilie: 0497/38.53.24 hello@bettyandalbert.com

Our contribution

helping nature while eating cookies?

Yes you can!


from our own cute monkeys straight to the great apes


We steunen het project van de
berggorilla’s van WWF en het
Virungapark in DDR Congo.

Voor elk verkocht pakje cookies of snacks schenken we een bedrag aan het Virunga Park in DDR Congo en WWF voor het behoud van het leefgebied van de berggorilla’s.

Because eating cookies & chocolates makes you and the monkeys in Congo happy. It's as simple as that!

betty and albert are godmother and godmother
of a dwarf gorilla in pairi daiza

Jaarlijks doneren we hier dan natuurlijk ook een bedrag naar!

Because we care. Because you care.

serious social


rozemarijn non-profit association

Elke kijken we uit naar de komst van het team van vzw Rozemarijn, een lokale organisatie die instaat voor dagondersteuning van mensen met een handicap. Zij komen ons helpen met eenvoudige taken zoals stickerwerk of het vullen van eenvoudige boxen. En elke is het weer een blij weerzien met deze enthousiaste schatten!

Jaarlijks steunen we vzw Rozemarijn dan ook met veel liefde bij de Warmste Week.

Leuven prison

Ook helpen de gevangenen van de hulpgevangenis van Leuven ons met
het inpakken van onze pakketten. Op die manier geven we deze mensen een nuttige dagbesteding en dragen we bij aan de tewerkstelling van mensen met net dat tikje minder geluk op de gewone arbeidsmarkt.


We zeggen NEE tegen verspilling! Onze overstock wordt met liefde geschonken aan Poverello. Een goed doel dat mensen die zich in armoede bevinden op allerlei manieren steunt.

Let's spread the love!

Really ecological


100% eco, 100% fun

Our mission is the exclusive use of fully biodegradable materials for all our packaging and filling materials.
For example, we not only use compostable filling chips and cardboard tape, but also cardboard recyclable packaging.

Save the planet,
it's the only one with cookies!

Really ecological


100% eco, 100% fun

Our mission is the exclusive use of fully biodegradable materials for all our packaging and filling materials.
For example, we not only use compostable filling chips and cardboard tape, but also cardboard recyclable packaging.

Save the planet,
it's the only one with cookies!

exceptionally belgian


think global, act local

All our products are Belgian and therefore do not travel many kilometres. We also try to do this as much as possible for our packaging. That way, we keep the impact on our planet as low as possible.

Our boxes filled with pure Belgian delicacies are not only good for the planet, they also contain local delicacies!

support small businesses

We also think it is important to support new, growing companies.
Want to bet that you will be completely surprised by all these top products from smaller Belgian food & drinks producers and startups? Because unknown is not unloved. We are constantly looking for new Belgian delicacies. So our assortment changes constantly depending on our discoveries.

So you too can always discover new surprises in our boxes!

Are you a belgian food & drink entrepreneur yourself? Feel free to send in your sample and who knows, your product might be one of the new surprises in our boxes!

think global, act global

All our products are Belgian and therefore do not travel many kilometres. We also try to do this as much as possible for our packaging. That way, we keep the impact on our planet as low as possible.

Our boxes filled with pure Belgian delicacies are not only good for the planet, they also contain local delicacies!

support small businesses

We also think it is important to support new, growing companies.
Want to bet that you will be completely surprised by all these top products from smaller Belgian food & drinks producers and startups? Because unknown is not unloved. We are constantly looking for new Belgian delicacies. So our assortment changes constantly depending on our discoveries.

So you too can always discover new surprises in our boxes!

Are you a belgian food & drink entrepreneur yourself? Feel free to send in your sample and who knows, your product might be one of the new surprises in our boxes!

 A small overview of
our contribution of 2021
in euros


virunga park congo


rosemary asbl

pairi daiza foundation

The more Betty & Albert biscuits, snacks or gift boxes you consume or give as gifts,
the more we can give to associations that are close to our hearts.

Do you want to do your bit while eating delicious biscuits?

Contact us!

Emilie: 0497/38.53.24. & Hanne: 0494/41.99.08

about betty & albert

A cracking cookie? A grandiose gift box? Or a blissful sweet? All our cookies and gift boxes are 100% Belgian and very sustainable! Discover our traditional gift boxes in the webshop.


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