Hanne: 0494/41.99.08 • Emilie: 0497/38.53.24 • hello@bettyandalbert.com
This is us ...
Emilie Wildiers
10 years experience in the production, sales and distribution of food. Big dreamer, but above all a doer with a no nonsense mentality. Enjoys the little things: coffee with the newspaper on Sunday, an evening out with friends, doing silly things with the children, ...
Hanne Machiels
Marketing & social media is what she likes! Has a contagious enthusiasm and a very positive attitude. Knows how to get things done. Enjoys beautiful, cosy and above all exuberant moments with friends, family, husband and children.
"Our favourite rule =
the 80-20% rule.
Eat 80% healthy and leave 20% room for delicious comfort food."
As 2 young mothers with common sense, we agree with the 80%-20% rule, whereby we choose to eat and live healthy for 80%, but leave room for guilty pleasures and comfort food for 20%.
Real butter, chocolate and sugar... Nostalgic, authentic flavours. Just the real stuff! When we sin, we do it well. And then the next day we eat a bowl of soup without cream and without balls.
this is
Betty & Albert ...
"Their favourite word: snaccident"
and these are
our strengths ...
Personal approach and customisation
All our gift boxes are finished with your logo and a card with a personal message. Would you like to add something special or a printed item to your boxes? We love to use our creative minds to work out original custom-made projects. So we are happy to incorporate your special requests into your gift box! No problem at all!
Support small businesses
Surprise your colleagues, customers or suppliers with a box full of Belgian goodies. Want to bet that they will be surprised by all these top products from smaller Belgian food & drink producers and startups? Because unknown is not unloved. We are constantly looking for new Belgian delicacies. Our range therefore constantly changes depending on our discoveries.
Think global, act local
All our products are Belgian and therefore travel few kilometres. We also try to do this as much as possible for our packaging. Our materials are almost all 100% recyclable. This is how we keep the impact on our planet as low as possible. For every box sold, we donate an amount to the Great Apes programme of WWF to help protect the habitat of gorillas in the rainforest.
Social and sustainable
For the composition of our gift boxes, we work in-house with local job students and flexijobbers. For serial work, we work together with the aid prison in Leuven. And every Friday, we get help from people with a disability from the Rozemarijn vzw community. It is always a warm reunion when they arrive!